1957 Davino Ribeiro de Sena was born in a prosperous family on April 4, in Recife, a city famous for its revolutionary history. His great-grandparent was mayor of towns Gravata and Limoeiro. Grandparent initiated a cofee plantation business. His parents were medical doctors. 1963 Family moved to a beach house in the borough of Boa Viagem to cure his asthma crisis. Drawn at an early age into a private world of books and imagination. 1972 Moves to boroughs of Boa Vista and Espinheiro. Student at Colegio Militar do Recife. Parents move to borough of Gracas and keep a beach house in Rio Doce. 1975 University studies in Recife and Sao Paulo. Shadowed by melancholy. Reads Augusto dos Anjos and Manuel Bandeira. Writes first poems. 1982 Studies drawing, music and dance. Married to music teacher Maria do Socorro Melo Pinto. Reads Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Cecilia Meireles. 1983 First poems published on newspapers by Cesar Leal. Student prize of poetry at Academia Pernambucana de Letras, with the sonnet “Memorias”. 1984 Graduated in Philosophy. Moved to Campinas. Writes poetry. Reads Joao Cabral de Melo Neto and Jorge de Lima. Moves to Brasilia. 1989 Started diplomatic career. Birth of Beatriz. 1991 Castelos de Areia, his first book, wins the prestigious national poetry award funded by the Nestle Foundation, São Paulo. The jury included Gilberto Mendonca Teles, Pericles Eugenio da Silva Ramos, Marcus Accioly, Jose Neumane Pinto and Carlos Felipe Moises. 1993 With the support of Itamaraty, represents Brazil, along with Thiago de Melo and Fernando Mendes Viana, at the Encuentro Iberoamericano de Poesía, in Santiago, Chile. Participates in anthology Un Angulo del Mundo, which included poets Egito Goncalves (Portugal), Antoni Clapes (Spain), Coral Bracho (Mexico) and Roberto Juarroz (Argentina). 1994 Speech about Brazilian Literature at the University of Athens, Georgia, United States. Moved to Spain. 1995 Guest at round table of the international seminar on poetry organized by the University of Barcelona, which included writers Maria Luisa Spaziani (Italy) and Mang Ke (China). 1996 Publication of Pescador de Nuvens. Birth of Alice. Participates in the meetings of the catalan poetry group Cafe Central. Augusto Massi reviews his book for Mais! – Folha de S. Paulo. 1997 Interviewed in Recife by Mario Helio for Jornal do Commercio. Publishes Retrato com Guitarra and O Jaguar no Deserto. Moves to Camberra, Australia. 1999 Reads his poems at the Australia National University. Publishes Vidro e Ferro. Head of delegation of Brazil in the meeting of the Valdivia Group for the preservation of the Albatroz. 2001 Consul of Brazil in Japan. 2003 Returns to Brasilia. Interviewed by Margarida Patriota about his poetry at Radio Senado. Accompanies Brazilian troops sent to the United Nations Mission of Support in Timor Leste. 2004 Publishes Tres Martes. Mission of cooperation in science and technology for Angola and Mozambique. 2006 With Elizabeth Hazin, publishes Lego & Davinovich. Moves to New York. 2007 Launch of Expedição. Speeches about “Poetry and Imagination” in Recife, at Centro de Artes, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, and in New York, at Biblioteca Machado de Assis. 2008 National Library Foundation magazin Poesia Sempre publishes 3 poems. Moves to Saudi Arabia. Electronic magazines Rascunho and Interpoetica publish his poems. 2009 Launch of O Lento Aprendizado do Rapaz que amava Ondas e Estrelas. |